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We want our customers to have an excellent experience purchasing tickets.

You can purchase tickets with peace of mind knowing we have you covered.

Our confidence in the sellers that list tickets on our exchange allows us to offer you this guarantee.

100% Money Back Guarantee if:

    Your order was accepted but not delivered by the seller.
    Your order was accepted but not delivered in time for the event.
    Your tickets were not valid for entry. (1)

100% Money Back Guarantee if:

    Your event is cancelled and is not rescheduled. (2)

    Notes: (1) Verifiable proof must be provided in letter form from the venue. Written or stamped "voids" do not constitute verifiable proof. (2) 100% refund for a cancelled event does not include shipping.

Box Office Center is a TicketNetwork private label partner. TicketNetwork, Inc., is a high-tech leader in the ticketing industry. Founded in 2002, TicketNetwork hosts a leading online exchange with over $5.5 billion in ticket inventory to concerts, sports, and theater events around the globe. Through their flagship product, the TicketNetwork® Point-of-Sale, and their other innovative solutions, they power a vast network of websites that enable buyers and sellers to exchange tickets to more than 100,000 events. If you have any questions or concerns our friendly customer support staff will be happy to help.

We want our customers to have an excellent experience purchasing tickets.

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Phone Support 7AM-1AM (Eastern Time). (866) 459-2035

We are a resale marketplace, not the ticket seller. Prices are set by third-party sellers and may be above face value. Market driven prices are based on the actual supply and demand of tickets.